When it comes to losing weight and getting healthy, I will be the first person to admit: I have tried and failed just about every fad diet and technique out there. My commitment was very short lived each and…
January 2016
Sweet Potatoes and Yams are some of the best choices when preparing a meal that is heavy on flavor but light on fat and calories. My roasted sweet potatoes are so simple to make and with only a few…
Workout #3 introduced me to weight training with a 45 pound kettle bell. There are so many ways a kettle bell can be used to work different parts of the body. Doing the many different variations while balancing on…
I have gotten a few questions from friends and readers who asked me what was different in my journey today that the other times I have tried and failed. This is one of the most important questions that I…
Growing up in an Italian family household, I have eaten my share of Italian meatballs. When the ingredients of a basic meatball are broken down, there are many options to make them healthier without sacrificing all of the taste.…