Tom's Journey

Workout Day 3: Kettle Bell Workout

Workout #3 introduced me to weight training with a 45 pound kettle bell. There are so many ways a kettle bell can be used to work different parts of the body. Doing the many different variations while balancing on a Floor Balacore, and it becomes a workout that even someone in shape could be challenged.

One of the biggest challenges that I had faced at this time was how winded I was during the weight training. The weight training is not meant to be part of the cardio portion of the workout, but because I was so badly out of shape, I was sucking wind no matter what I was doing, including just walking over to our workout area.

I was starting to experience a great deal of soreness just about every moment of my day and night. In the morning after this kettle bell workout, I wasn’t sure if I would be able to get out of bed because I was so sore and I don’t think my body wanted to move! I was doing well with my nutrition, but at this point, I was starting to have doubts if I would survive the workouts. They were so exhausting for me even though I felt good when I completed them. But I wanted the soreness to go away, and I wondered if it ever would.

After a little soul searching, I vowed to keep going!

Tom Nobili is just like you. He wants to live a long life and be around for his family. Tom has gotten unbelievable results using Advocare products along with regular exercise and healthy eating habits.  After a short period of time, Tom has lost a great deal of weight and continues his own journey to become healthy and extend his life. Tom’s biggest passion is to help you do what he has done and is still doing.  He understands that losing weight is not easy, but as long as you are committed, you can succeed just like he has succeeded. Tom can help you begin your journey and get results. All you have to do is show up, be commited, and believe in yourself! Tom believes in you! Tom has been exactly where you are and understands your frustration. He will get you through it successfully. Please read Tom’s continuing story and see what he has done because it could very well be your story! Always remember: If Tom can do it, You can do it!

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